The Story of My Table


The story of my table began long before I was born.

I am the daughter, and granddaughter, of bakers. When my grandmother, Bertina, set her pies out to cool on the windowsill, the inviting aromas filled the neighborhood. Soon after, her friends knocked on the kitchen door, ready to snack on pastries and swap recipes. Doesn't that sound like an enchanted table from a bygone era?

I began serving dinner in my greenhouse last spring — and on a kitchen table, no less. In all honesty, I simply wanted to escape the confines of the house during the pandemic. Eventually, the greenhouse transformed into a creative space to dream up new recipes while enjoying a natural pace of life.

Later that summer, I reimagined the greenhouse as a children's culinary camp. After teaching in class, I enjoyed sunny afternoons prepping recipes for the next day. I loved the practice of recalling special meals and memories.

That inspired me to begin documenting our family foodways. I filmed my sister, Martha, while she baked pumpkin pies. Then I became a food stylist for my son's culinary endeavors. In the midst of it all, I realized what I wanted to do. I want to write a cookbook memoir.

Writing Plan
My best friend introduced me to the "Word Of The Year" concept back in 2013. It is a powerful exercise. But this year, I am adding a sub-word: "Breakthrough with Balance."

In other words, I hope to live out 2021 by doing things that I never thought I could do (while also being kind to myself). So here is my plan.

I am going to begin writing a cookbook memoir in 2021. My goal is to draft fortyish chapters while I am still in my forties. How will I stay motivated? That's where you come in, dear reader. Would you come along for the adventure? Perhaps you have dreamed about writing a book too?

I hope to inspire you as I share my story.

Cast of Characters
Here are the ever-supporting characters you will meet along the way.

  • My father, Papabelo, was a writer. He will always be my life-long mentor and inspiration for all things creative. In fact, Papabelo taught me how to paint and study the Bible. I feel his spirit in this project too.

  • My mother, Gigi, from whom I inherited the hospitality gene. She taught me how to make all-things charming. She has shown me that details matter when throwing a dinner party. She might even tell us a story about her childhood in Mexico.

  • My sister, Martha, is the inspiration for my culinary creations. She is the gourmet chef of her household.

  • My nephew, Alejandro, is my compadre. He is one of many links that connect me to my homeland, Mexico. We love to cook together while exploring our food memories.

  • My husband, Peter, makes everything possible for me. He is my biggest supporter and provides me with everything I need to accomplish my projects and dreams.

  • My children, Preston, Julian, and Evalyn, are my delight. They have gifted me with the most humanitarian calling a woman could ever fulfill, motherhood.

I am blessed with many creative friends, and especially photographers. Rhonda Robbins is gifted at capturing themed portraits with a bohemian flair. Jaime Emfinger has the edge on capturing the inner vagabond–artist. Dixie Dixon is a director/photographer and U.S.A. Ambassador for Nikon. Last, but not least, my best friend, M. She is a hapa writer, photographer, and creator of short kine true stories made with love. They have inspired me to begin photographing my own adventures, and for that, I am so grateful.

What happens next?
It is time for me to begin writing, dear reader. In the meantime, please sign up for my newsletter to gain access to my personal recipe collection.

Happy reading.


Breakthrough in the Desert